1. How many candidates are eligible to sit for the 2024 police sergeant’s exam?

    According to the City, “The estimated number of eligible candidates for the examination is approximately 9,000.”
  2. The last police sergeant’s exam was administered over one week. This caused numerous problems and resulted in grievances. Based on Freedom of Information request information, what does the City plan to do this time for the 2024 sergeant’s exam?

    The City informed the testing companies that bid on the sergeant’s exam that they have a preference for the 2024 part 2 sergeant’s exam to be “administered in one day.” For test security purposes and in fairness to all, this is obviously how it should be done!
  3. For the 2024 part 2 sergeant’s assessment test, what type of assessment format is the City planning to give?

    Again, in a publicly available document, the City said they would like to “pursue the use of a written assessment.”
  4. In regards to the use of subject matter experts (SMEs) in developing the 2024 sergeant’s exam, what position has the City taken?

    They informed potential testing companies that they “will be required to use external law enforcement professionals as subject matter experts when appropriate and feasible throughout the process.”
  5. How long is the test maker given by the City to score the part 2 sergeant’s assessment test?

    Part 2 must be scored within 60 days.
  6. How can I find out more information about the written assessment part 2 exam?

    I will post information on our website about the written assessment.

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