FREE Class For CPD Police Promotional Exams
The City of Chicago is currently planning to give the sergeants exam in 2024, and a lieutenants exam in 2025.
In order to prepare police officers for the new promotional exams, Bernstein Test Prep will be offering comprehensive promotional exam training courses.
Over the past 30 years, Bernstein students have consistently gotten the majority of the top CPD promotional exam scores! Picking the right review for the new test is an important decision. The feedback from our students on our promotional review course has been extremely positive. You’ll want to go with a proven winner!
The first step toward reaching your goals is choosing a test preparation company that delivers results!
At the FREE promotional exam overview class you will:
- Learn what major changes the city has proposed for the new police promotional exams.
- Be shown how to develop a study plan for the new exam.
- Review previously tested areas that have the highest probability of appearing on future tests.
- Be shown which answers will score the most points!
- Develop an understanding of highly testable General Orders, Special Orders and legal areas.
- Have access to Dr. Bernstein, the top test preparation expert in the field!
Schedule & Location
Classes will sell out! REGISTER TODAY!
February 23rd | Friday |
10:00am-12:00pm or 6:00pm-8:00pm |
Chicago Lodge # 7
Space is limited and candidates will be accepted on a first come first served basis. Candidates should register as soon as possible.
You only need to attend one class, the AM and PM classes are the same.
The free class will be an overview on “How to best prepare for the upcoming police sergeant and lieutenant promotional exams.” All candidates who are interested in getting a promotion should attend!
Training Locations
1412 West Washington Blvd., Chicago, IL 60607